Monday, August 3, 2009

If only . . . .

If only . . . this is a phrase I have been attempting to remove from my vocabulary. No other phrase I use can create more havoc and unhappiness in my life. It is my ego trying to take over my life. If only I find the right woman, if only I had the right job, if only I had more money, if only I had a better car, if only I lived in the right place, the list goes on and on. As far back as I can remember I've had a hole in my heart and I endeavored to fill that hole with stuff. But there is one constant I have found in the universe . . . change happens. The problem is that people leave, circumstances change, and material things are taken away. Then I am left with that hole again and I try and fill it with people, jobs, or material goods . . . a constant pursuit for happiness. Through all the pain and experience I have found the one constant that fills that hole . . . that One is God as I understand Him/Her. He/She will always be there as long as I allow Her to be my guide on a daily basis, there is nothing that can happen I can't handle with God's help. Yes I still find that hole again on occasion, but that is my selfishness and selfcenteredness taking over . . . I decided I didn't need God's help, I could handle it all on my own. I only have to ask God back into my life and amazingly it gets better. I ask God each morning to guide me for the day and to show me those things I need to see. How can I be of service to Her and my fellow human beings, for me that is the ultimate act of love . . . to care about another person more that I care for myself. That simple act alone gets me out of any selfish and self centered thoughts. My life gets better and I never have to be alone as long as I have God as my guide. I need to change that phrase if only . . . to if. . . I would like to add this short reading from the great metaphysicist and spirtual teacher Emmet Fox ;
If . . .
If you are not helping the other fellow, you are not helping yourself.
If you choose the lower when you see the higher, you are not giving all power to God.
If you say one thing, and do another, you are not living up to the highest you know.
If you are minding somebody else's business, you cannot be minding your own.
If you fill your mind with resentments, criticism, and anger, you will reap that reward.
If you have no sense of humor, the joy of the Lord is not your strength.
If you want to be on the spiritual path, you must practice the Presence of God at all times.
I hope you all have a wonderful evening!
Steve (Soul Patch)

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